The Anxious Personality | Dissolving the Hidden Components of Anxiety and Discovering Inner Freedom

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Harness the Secret Power of Anxiety
How to Address the REAL Root of Anxiety Without Constantly Doing Mindset Shifts, Positive Affirmations, or Messing with Your Subconscious.  
For Those with High-Functioning Anxiety Who Want an Anxiety-Free Life
Dear Anxious Friend,

Have you achieved a lot in your life but are doing everything with a lot of underlying anxiety?

Have you always put other people's needs before your own because for some reason, what you want doesn't matter i.e. "the People-Pleaser."
Do you need to always be perfect but are exhausted by the constant effort? (the Perfectionist).

Are you overwhelmed by your emotions and feelings but constantly feel the need to be "on" (the Achiever).

Whatever way that anxiety limits your work, relationships, or personal life, I know first-hand how exhausting and painful it can be, especially if you don't know where that anxiety came from.

That's why I'd like to share with you a method for dissolving anxiety by addressing it at its root cause.

This isn't simply about "coping" or "managing" your anxiety, but uncovering exactly what causes and triggers anxiety so you can dismantle it.

Here’s the most important thing I learned after 20 years of deep-diving into a variety of anxiety treatments:
No More ‘Faking It Until You Make It’, Mindset Shifts, Positive Affirmations, or Constantly Managing Emotional Triggers

Before, anxiety hijacked nearly every area of my life—work, relationships, my social life, etc. Even though on paper I was “successful,” it came at the cost of constant tension and anxiety. I became an emotional intelligence and mindfulness trainer, I studied communication frameworks, delved into hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy treatments.

All of these approaches helped to manage my anxiety triggers, but the triggers never went away.

Now, I feel comfortable in my own skin, deeply know who I am, and am freed up to be authentic, expansive, and confident. I certainly no longer crumble at the thought of what others think of me, and I don't feel that old pressure to be someone I'm not.

What changed?

I found out that my anxiety was embedded into the core components of my personality structure. 

Once I understood these core components, I began to systematically dismantle them until I disengaged from anxiety for good. I wasn't just managing anxiety anymore -- it had been significantly reduced to the point where I wasn't experiencing the same triggers anymore.

I use the same framework with all of my one-on-one anxiety coaching clients, and each time they experience a disengagement from anxiety, they also rediscover their confidence and authenticity, which comes from a core sense of wholeness and self-worth.

It was there all along, except it was buried underneath the programming of the Anxious Personality.

Here's a bit of how they describe their experience:
  "I had hope of transforming at least a little bit of my relationship with the anxiety that has gotten in the way of my work and personal life so many times, I did not expect for it to be as fast as it was! I feel a level of freedom to just be who I am in so many more encounters."
-Eva M.
   "I was doing BetterUp sessions for a while, but it felt like we were going around in circles. This approach is much more direct and effective for me." -Jasmine A
  "From working through inner critic blockers to unlocking and acknowledging past trauma, this approach helped guide me on a path to rebuilding self-trust and regaining internal balance. Not only do I feel equipped with tools for breaking down the inner critic, but I also feel a renewed sense of self confidence and groundedness."
-Eric C.
  "I was feeling directionally lost in my career, overwhelmed with the pandemic, and my mental health was suffering from repeated burnout and stress. I wanted to break the cycle and find a better way to show up, both personally and professionally. The impact of individual coaching I’ve experienced with Timothy after only 3 months has been life changing! "
-Portia L.   
DISCLAIMER:  This approach is designed for those who are functioning reasonably well in their lives but functioning with underlying anxiety. Those who are struggling with severe mental health disorders should consult a licensed mental health specialist. 
By the Way, You'll Get FREE Bonuses to Accelerate Your Understanding of the Anxious Personality
Get all the information you need on the go. Download the book onto your phone and listen at your convenience. Instructions for download and playback are included. Total run time: 2.5 hours.
Take the self-assessments that are included in the book, but do it interactively on your member portal. You'll get immediate results and instructions on how to interpret them.
Get the only two meditations you need to know to heal anxiety (plus a lot more). They are designed to help you create the inner space you need for clear self-reflection.
Understand the Root Cause of Anxiety
Then learn how to reconnect with authentic confidence, inner security, and intrinsic self-worth.

This book breaks down the four main components of The Anxious Personality:

  • The Inner Critic
  • The Sense of Self
  • The Core Belief
  • The Anxiety Template

Together, they form a system that creates and maintains anxiety that we unconsciously identify with. When you understand how these core components work together, you'll be well on our way to dismantling anxiety.

But...understanding the concepts isn't enough. You need to experience them first-hand and touch into them for anxiety to dissolve. This is why the book contains the key prompts, exercises, and journaling reflections to help you bring the various aspects of the Anxious Personality into your experience.

    10 Key Things This Book Will Teach You
    Common approaches to anxiety and why they don't work.
    How to recognize and disrupt the three most common patterns of anxiety.
    Step-by-step framework of how to dissolve the components of anxiety.
    A step-by-step guide on how to identify and disengage from the Inner Critic.
    How to gain awareness of the negative self-images that keep anxiety going.
    How to take anxiety triggers and use them to understand and dissolve anxiety.
    Journaling prompts to guide self-exploration of the dimensions of anxiety.
    Specific exercises to help you uncover prominent messages from your history that contribute to anxiety
    Exercises to challenge the worldview that sustains anxiety and prohibits you from feeling confident and relaxed
    Worksheets and illustrations to help you visualize the components of anxiety and how they work in you.
    10 Key Things This Book Will Teach You
    Common approaches to anxiety and why they don't work.
    How to recognize and disrupt the three most common patterns of anxiety.
    Step-by-step framework of how to dissolve the components of anxiety.
    A step-by-step guide on how to identify and disengage from the Inner Critic.
    How to gain awareness of the negative self-images that keep anxiety going.
    How to take anxiety triggers and use them to understand and dissolve anxiety.
    Journaling prompts to guide self-exploration of the dimensions of anxiety.
    Specific exercises to help you uncover prominent messages from your history that contribute to anxiety
    Exercises to challenge the worldview that sustains anxiety and prohibits you from feeling confident and relaxed
    Worksheets and illustrations to help you visualize the components of anxiety and how they work in you.
      Get your copy of
    The Anxious Personality 
    Here's a quick recap for those of you who like to get to the point :)
    • I discovered that chronic anxiety is actually embedded into the components that make up our personality.

    • Functioning anxiety-free and with authentic, relaxed confidence IS possible.

    • Ordering your copy of this book will give you the understanding and step-by-step approach to dismantling the components of anxiety.

    • If you order today, you'll get additional bonuses that will help you accelerate your awareness of your own anxiety.
     About the Author 

    A major component of Timothy Lin's background is deeply integrating various spiritual and psychological modalities. Lin spent 15 years in digital marketing, working with brands such as Toyota Motors, American Family Insurance, and United Health Group.

    Simultaneously, he served as an ordained priest within a Christian mystic community, facilitated workshops in Nonviolent Communication, and led the Search Inside Yourself emotional intelligence program that was born at Google at companies such as Kaiser Permanente, LinkedIn, and Pulte Group.

    He currently lives in Carmel Valley, CA with his wife and two children.

     About the Author 

    A major component of Timothy Lin's background is deeply integrating various spiritual and psychological modalities. Lin spent 15 years in digital marketing, working with brands such as Toyota Motors, American Family Insurance, and United Health Group.

    Simultaneously, he served as an ordained priest within a Christian mystic community, facilitated workshops in Nonviolent Communication, and led the Search Inside Yourself emotional intelligence program that was born at Google at companies such as Kaiser Permanente, LinkedIn, and Pulte Group.

    He currently lives in Carmel Valley, CA with his wife and two children.

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